Holden didn't feel he was in the right mood to talk to Jane, and you have to be in the mood for that sort of thing.
Sleeping Beauty
I'm not in the mood right now
She didn't ask because he was in a bad mood. They wondered why her mood had completely changed about the matter. I'm not really in the mood to play hockey.
Because she's sleeping with me.
Just be nice and set the mood but don't push her only do what she wants
The BFG's mood changed quickly because he experiences a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness, due to his sensitive and caring nature. His feelings are easily influenced by the actions and words of those around him, leading to rapid shifts in mood.
Holden Caulfield's pessimistic and judgmental attitude may make it challenging to maintain a friendship with him. While he may be an interesting individual to converse with, his negative outlook on life could potentially bring down the mood of the friendship.
from my experance there is a few they include extreme tiredness loss of hunger and mood sings..
Lowry changed the mood in "The Giver" to create contrast and emphasize the importance of individuality and freedom. The shift in mood serves to highlight the dark, controlled world that Jonas lives in and the need for change and hope.
Bipolar depression is a mood disorder that has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist. The most common symptoms include mood swings that interfere with the functions of your daily life, periods of depressed mood, low self esteem, crying spells, and under or over sleeping.