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Depends upon which version of "Lost in Space" you mean.

In the TV pilot, they simply ran into a meteor storm and drifted to the planet they crashed on.

In the broadcast series, the saboteur Dr. Smith was trapped on board while programming the robot to disable the ship. His weight drifted the ship into a meteor cloud and he woke up the pilot to save the ship. The pilot woke the rest of the crew up and while they were debating what to do, the reprogrammed robot damaged the hyperdrive, shooting them out of control to a spot where they could not identify any stars, lost.

In the movie, no meteors, robot destroying the ship, ship crashing into the sun. Crew activates hyperdrive with no destination to escape and same results.

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In the TV show "Lost in Space," the crew becomes lost in space when their spaceship, the Jupiter 2, is thrown off course and into unknown territory due to the unexpected effects of a sabotage attempt. This causes them to become separated from Earth and struggle to find their way back home while encountering various challenges and threats in space.

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