He made friends with Bernards best friend Ali and then got Ali to help him make friends with Bernard.
Ender beat Bernard by outsmarting him in the battle simulations. Ender developed unique strategies and tactics, exploiting the weaknesses in Bernard's approach to secure victory in the simulations. Ender's ability to think creatively and adapt quickly ultimately led to his success against Bernard.
Ender stops Bernard by isolating him from the group and challenging him to battle in the zero-gravity arena. Ender defeats Bernard in the battle, demonstrating his superior strategic thinking and leadership, which asserts his dominance over the group.
The scene where Ender beats up Stilson is found in Chapter 2 of "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. This event takes place early in the book during Ender's first day at Battle School.
In "Ender's Game," the resolution involves Ender finding out that the battles he thought were simulations were real, and the alien race was actually defeated by using a devastating weapon. Ender then goes into self-imposed exile and tries to make amends for his actions, ultimately finding a new home for the alien species.
Ender and Alai become best friends in "Ender's Game" due to their shared experiences and mutual respect. Alai shows kindness and acceptance towards Ender, despite his initial isolation among the other recruits. The two bond through their mutual struggles and eventually develop a deep connection built on trust and understanding.
St. Bernard's beat Renton.
my teacher told me the answer to this a couple of weeks ago, apparently because he "END"ed the war against the buggers His nickname is important in several ways. He intuitively understands that while you can beat an enemy in a single battle, unless you beat him so badly that any further attack is unthinkable, you will have to keep fighting future battles - Ender understood how to truly END a conflict permanently.
before 1.0.0 there was no aim but now the aim is to go to the end using ender pearls and beat the enderdragon
Mazer is Enders teacher during enders game. he trained him to beat the formics. [SPOILER] he made ender think that he was testing him with games when ender was actually fighting in the war. They first met on Eros, the asteriod where Command School was held. In the book Ender In Exile they are companions who are close during the begining of the book before Ender leaves for Colony 1 (later named Shakespeare
the monitor is for the government to see ender's world the way ender does.Its actually for the government to see if Ender is capable of saving the world
Ender takes his sister Valentine with him to scout bugger colonies at the end of "Ender's Game."
The cast of On the Braden Beat - 1962 includes: Bernard Braden Cheryl Gilham as Actress
Ender attacks people strategically throughout the novel, both in simulated battles and in real-life confrontations. These attacks are part of his training as a military leader in the Battle School and later in Command School. He does not attack people indiscriminately or out of malice, but rather as a means to achieve his objectives.