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Bob Ewell supposable "fell on his knife" according to Mr. Tate

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Bob Ewell died after falling on his own knife during a struggle with Boo Radley while trying to attack Scout and Jem. Mr. Tate concluded that Boo Radley had acted in self-defense, and that it was necessary to protect him from the public scrutiny that would come if he were labeled a hero.

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Q: How did Bob ewell die according to Mr. Tate?
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Did bob Ewell die?


When Atticus and Heck Tate are having an argument do they believe what each other are saying?

Atticus and Tate are arguing about how Bob Ewell died. Atticus is convinced the Jem stabbed Ewell as he tried to protect Scout from attack. At the same time, Heck knows that Bob did not die because of Jem, but Boo Radley. He also knows that if Boo Radley were trialed for murder he would be discriminated against and would be a traumatic and painful experience. So, Tate tells Atticus that Bob Ewell had fallen on his knife while in a drunk stupor. Though Atticus does not agree, Scout is convinced that Tate is correct, telling Atticus that sending Boo Radley to trial would be "sort of like shootin' a mocking-bird.

Who is the children's attacker and how did he die in to kill a mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the attacker is Bob Ewell, who is the father of Mayella Ewell. Bob Ewell dies when he attacks Scout and Jem Finch in the woods, and Boo Radley saves them by stopping Ewell. Boo Radley then kills Ewell in self-defense during the struggle to protect the children.

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Please ask questions one at a time. See the related questions below.

How does bob Ewell die?

In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Bob Ewell dies from injuries sustained during a struggle with Boo Radley when he attacks Scout and Jem. Boo Radley intervenes to protect the children, resulting in Bob Ewell's death.

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Juanita Tate died in 2004.

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Edward Tate died in 1953.

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Magnus Tate died in 1823.

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Phyllis Tate died in 1987.

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Francis Tate died in 1616.

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Ralph Tate died in 1901.