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Mr. Hopkins is known for his consistency and steady leadership style, while Mr. Gore is known for his charisma and ability to connect with people on a personal level. Mr. Hopkins tends to be more reserved and analytical, whereas Mr. Gore is more outspoken and passionate about his beliefs. Overall, their leadership styles and personalities differ in terms of approach and communication style.

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Q: How contrast mr. Hopkins and mr. GORE?
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What is al gore doing now?

Mr. Gore was the former Vice President of the U.S. under President Bill Clinton. Mr. Gore was born on March 31st 1948. Mr. Gore has one older sister named Nancy Lafon Gore and she is ten years older than Mr. Gore. He lost the presidential election in the year 2000 to Gorge W. Bush. Mr. Gore was elected for 24 years to be the reprehensive of Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Gore was the Cofounder and Chair of current television. He was also part of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc. and senior adviser to Google. Mr. Gore wrote a book called The Earth in Balance; the Earth in Balance is about the world's ecological predicament. Mr. Gore was writing this book as his son was recovering from a serious accident. The Earth in Balance was the first book written book by sitting U.S Senator to make the New York Times bestseller list since John F. Kennedy's Profiles in Courage. The Earth in balance was published in June 1992. On December 10 2007 Mr. Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for work on global warming.He also won an Academy Award. Mr. Gore was also the 45th Vice President of the U.S. Mr. Gore ran for President but lost to Gorge W. Bush. Mr. Gore remained in the Senate until presidential candidate Bill Clinton chose him as his running mate in 1992. "Were still acting as if it's perfectly okay to use this thin shelled atmosphere as an open sewer. It's not okay. We need to use the tried true method of using the best evidence, debating and discussing it, but not pretending that facts are not facts, said Mr. Gore. Global warming has become the most complicated issue of the world. Global warming is the unnecessary temperature rise in the atmosphere and oceans all over the world. Global warming is increased by burning fossil fuels.

What is al gore doing right now?

Mr. Gore was the former Vice President of the U.S. under President Bill Clinton. Mr. Gore was born on March 31st 1948. Mr. Gore has one older sister named Nancy Lafon Gore and she is ten years older than Mr. Gore. He lost the presidential election in the year 2000 to Gorge W. Bush. Mr. Gore was elected for 24 years to be the reprehensive of Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Gore was the Cofounder and Chair of current television. He was also part of the Board of Directors of Apple Inc. and senior adviser to Google. Mr. Gore wrote a book called The Earth in Balance; the Earth in Balance is about the world's ecological predicament. Mr. Gore was writing this book as his son was recovering from a serious accident. The Earth in Balance was the first book written book by sitting U.S Senator to make the New York Times bestseller list since John F. Kennedy's Profiles in Courage. The Earth in balance was published in June 1992. On December 10 2007 Mr. Gore won a Nobel Peace Prize for work on global warming.He also won an Academy Award. Mr. Gore was also the 45th Vice President of the U.S. Mr. Gore ran for President but lost to Gorge W. Bush. Mr. Gore remained in the Senate until presidential candidate Bill Clinton chose him as his running mate in 1992. "Were still acting as if it's perfectly okay to use this thin shelled atmosphere as an open sewer. It's not okay. We need to use the tried true method of using the best evidence, debating and discussing it, but not pretending that facts are not facts, said Mr. Gore. Global warming has become the most complicated issue of the world. Global warming is the unnecessary temperature rise in the atmosphere and oceans all over the world. Global warming is increased by burning fossil fuels.

In Frederick Douglass why is Mr Austin Gore a first-rate overseer What is ironic about his name?

I think the best way to understand something, is to see what it is not. Mr. Hopkins was succeeded by Mr. Gore. Douglass tells us Mr. Hopkins career was very brief; due in part, because he "lacked the necessary severity to suit Colonel Lloyd." Therefore, severity is the key element of a first-rate overseer. And Mr. Gore was a first-rate overseer, because even his presence alone "produced horror and trembling in their [slaves] ranks." Douglass paints him as a savage and a murderer; a cruel man. The slaves belonged, here, to Colonel Lloyd, and Mr. Gore was employed by the Colonel. Douglass describes the Colonel's wealth as that of Job, and owned a thousand slaves. And the whole family "enjoyed the luxury of whipping" the slaves as they pleased. The Colonel made the slave he was whipping bow his head as he received the lashes. Douglass tells us a story of the Colonel meeting one of his slaves one day while he was riding along the road; the slave does not know the colonel his master. In a series of questions, the slave replies with the truth: "Well, does the colonel treat you well?" the colonel asks the slave, and the slave tells him, "No, sir." For this, the slave is uprooted from his family and friends and sold. The irony of a person's name is what the reader makes of it. No name, however, can fully match barbarians such as Colonel Lloyd and Mr. Gore. The true irony, here, their ideology of inflicting fear as motivation to work harder at any cost, prevails today.

How does mr gore benefit from killing demby rather thatn facing murder charges?

The benefit of killing Demby was discouraging the same action from others. Runaways were discouraged at any price. Mr. Gore was aware that this was the traditional treatment.

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Mr. Randolph's son's name in "The Great Gilly Hopkins" by Katherine Paterson is William Ernest Teague. He is known as W.E.T. or "William Ernest the Terrible."

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Ur in Oms Mr Hopkins class I am creepy

What emotion best shows Douglass's attitude toward Mr Hopkins?

Frederick Douglass likely felt a mixture of resentment and bitterness towards Mr. Hopkins due to his role in perpetuating the institution of slavery and his harsh treatment of enslaved individuals. Douglass may have also felt a sense of disdain or frustration towards Hopkins for his complicity in the oppression of Black people.

Why is Mr Gore a first rate overseer?

because skinny said weed is bad for u nikka