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In The Outsiders, the character of Johnny Cade was played by Ralph Macchio. Johnny does not like to fight because he has been both physically and verbally abused at home. He was also beaten by the Socs gang and lives in fear of having to fight.

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Johnny Cade is portrayed as a sensitive and non-violent character in "The Outsiders." He does not like to fight and tries to avoid conflict whenever possible. His aversion to violence is a key aspect of his character development in the novel.

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Q: Does Johnny Cade like to fight in The Outsiders?
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He was 16 but looked like he was 14. (He says in chapter 2 pg.23)

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Who is the only Greaser who doesn't like fights In the outsiders?

Johnny Cade. He often stays away from fights, because he was beat senseless by Bob, a soc, and that's where the scar on his cheek came from.

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The ending to the Outsiders is that Johnny, unfortunatly, died in the hospital after being fatally injured saving kids from the fire in the church he and Pony were sheltered by. Dally, caring for Johnny more than his life, was left hardbroken and cracked. Johnny's last words were 'Stay gold, Ponyboy' referring to the 'Nothing Gold Can Stay' poem earlier in the book. Dally flees the hospital, purposely robs a store to get police on his trail. Once the police catch up to him, he lets them shoot him, where he dies. It was more like a suicide than homicide. As for the rumble earlier, the Greasers win.

Who played Johnny in 'The Outsiders'?

Johnny is Ponyboy's best friend. He is like a puppy being kicked around too much. He has that scared look in his dark eyes. He has long black hair. His mother ignores him, and his dad beats him up. Without the gang, Johnny will never know love. Hope In the movies, Johnny Cade was played by Ralph Macchio

Why is johnny cade called johnnycake?

More importantly, I think he was named Johnny Cade by the author to reference his Christ-like characteristics. Johnny Cade = Jesus Christ (JC). Johnny dies for others and with the hope that his death will bring light to others. Note how the book begins and ends, "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness..." This indicates that Johnny's message has been successfully received by Pony and that Johnny did not die in vain. That his friends changed Johnny Cade into Johnnycake retains the JC symbolism and demonstrates camaraderie among the gang. Note, I think the author was inspired by John Steinbeck, specifically the character of Jim Casey (JC) in The Grapes of Wrath. But also how the image of the country in The Outsiders is similar to Lennie's dream of the farm in Of Mice & Men.

What does ponyboy say to johnny that hurts johnny's feelings?

To get rid of all of the pain inside himself and because ponyboy isn't thinking straight.

Who is the only Greaser in The Outsiders who doesn't like fights?

If you mean The Outsiders as in the book, that would be Ponyboy, who directly before the greasers vs. Socs fight thinks "I shouldn't be here. None of us should". However, it may also be Johnny, who when receiving the news of the Socs defeat, remarks "pointless... Nothing good... comes from fighting...."

Why do the they like to fight in the book The Outsiders?

"For the hell of it"

Does johnny cade go to school in the outsiders?

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