Here's a rule to use in school: When it's LONG it gets a LINE When it's QUICK it gets a QUOTE. Italics are often substituted for lines - check w/your teacher. So, Title of books - line; chapters in books, quotes. CD or Album - line; individual songs, quotes. TV shows - lines; episodes, quotes.
It is not necessary. If you use the title of the book, underline the title.
Yes. You underline titles of magazines, newspapers, books, and movies. The titles of parts inside them, such as chapters or articles, are put in quotes ["..."].
No, in APA style, you should not underline the book title in the bibliography. Instead, you should italicize the title of the book.
You only underline a title of a book if it is part of the essay and not the title of the essay. Understand?
No, it is not necessary to underline a comic book title. Comic book titles are typically written in italics for emphasis or in quotation marks.
No, you underline it.
In a book report, you would italicize the title of a book, not underline it. When referencing a poem in your report, you would typically use quotation marks for its title. For example, "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.
no you do not
No,you don't. It's just like a author doesn't underline the book title on the cover page.
I think it should :)
you underline it because you cant you a quotation mark to present a book or the title of a movie.