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A mermaid's form varies depending on the different fantasies.

In general, a traditional mermaid is a creature with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish. Mermaids does not go on land. An alternate myth with similar properties as mermaids on land would be sirens.

Although in some modern works of fictions, their are so-called mer-people (a term used to refer to both the mermaids and mermen) who actually have webbed-feet (like a frog) instead of a fish tail and these ones go on land occasionally. Examples of these mer-people include the mermen in the Japanese anime called "One Piece" or the "Mermen" in Goldensun The Lost Age for the GBA system.

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5mo ago

Traditionally, mermaids are depicted as having both a fish tail and humanoid upper body, so they do not have legs and feet to walk on land and would not survive out of water for long periods. The idea that mermaids die on land is a common theme in fiction and folklore.

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Q: Do mermaids have legs and feet when they go on land or do they die on land?
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Why do mermaids die?

Mermaids die because they aren't gods or godesses.

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Mermaids are not real if real not helpless but if out of water to long then they will sadly die. Though, to a large degree it depends on the author writing about them, as in some movies and TV shows mermaids can shapeshift into human form.

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Mermaids (and Mermen) Live to about 300 years of age.

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None. Mermaids are fictional characters, and since they never existed, they could not die.

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Mermaids do not die from sounds. Some people believe in mermaids and some think they are not real.

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True mermaids don't actually exist, but they are generally depicted as having a fish tail rather than legs. There is also a disease called sirenomelia, or mermaid syndrome in which a child is born with the legs fused together. Those with the disease have organs in their bodies either missing or deformed and as a result nearly all are either stillborn or die at a very young age. To date only three victims of the disease have lived past early childhood.

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