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Yes, Romeo and Juliet exchanged many words throughout Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." They share passionate declarations of love, make plans to be together, and ultimately express their desires to be united despite their families' feud.

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Q: Did romeo exchange words with Juliet?
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This phrase is not used in Romeo and Juliet.

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After Romeo asks Juliet to marry him, he waits for her response and they share a loving exchange of words expressing their feelings for each other. There is a moment of anticipation and nervousness as they both consider the weight of their decision. Finally, Romeo approaches Juliet expressing his love and commitment to her.

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In Act 2, Scene 2 of "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo and Juliet exchange vows of love and agree to marry each other. They also exchange promises to be faithful to each other despite the feud between their families. This scene is famously known as the "balcony scene."

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Romeo and Juliet have a number of conversations in which Romeo can react to many things Juliet says. In other words, this cannot be answered unless it is more specific.

Who knows about their conversation in the balcony In romeo and Juliet?

In "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo and Juliet are the only ones who know the details of their conversation on the balcony. Romeo overhears Juliet speaking her thoughts aloud, and the two lovers share a private exchange where they declare their love for each other and make plans to be together.

In the passage of Romeo and Juliet who cries these words O woe?

In the passage of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet cries the words "O woe" when she discovers Romeo's lifeless body beside her. These words convey her profound grief and despair at the tragic turn of events.

What are the famous words Juliet says from her Balcony?

Shakespeare's words were: Romeo O' Romeo Where for art thou O' Romeo

Why does Romeo ask Juliet to exchange vows?

it is another way of asking her to marry him. He wants to exchange wedding vows

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These words were spoken by Juliet in Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." It is part of a conversation where Juliet expresses her love for Romeo despite the obstacles they face.

What does Romeo's reference to a glove mean?

In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo's reference to a glove is a metaphor for a challenge or duel. By challenging Juliet to exchange oaths of love by claiming that his "glove" is her "lady's hand," Romeo is playfully suggesting that she should marry him.

In Romeo and Juliet what were the last words of Romeo to Juliet?

oh baby i love you :P i want to touch u and love u!