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uh he says that hes gay

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The case was not simple because it involved deeply-rooted racial prejudices and biases in the town. The trial exposed the reality of systemic racism and social inequalities that plagued the justice system. Atticus knew that he was challenging the status quo and confronting the town's ingrained discriminatory beliefs, making it a complex and challenging case.

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Q: Although Atticus told scout thtat he was simply defending a negrowhat evidencewas there that this was really not a simple case?
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Why is Atticus defending the man?

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Atticus had to take the case because Judge Taylor assigned it to him.

Who tells scout that Atticus is defending a negro?

Scout learns that Atticus is defending a negro from her brother Jem when he tells her about it after a confrontation at an event at the Maycomb County courthouse.

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The majority of the town does not support Atticus defending Tom Robinson, as they hold racist attitudes against Robinson. They feel that Atticus is going against the norms of the community by defending a black man accused of raping a white woman. The Ewells, Bob Ewell in particular, are particularly vocal about their opposition to Atticus defending Tom Robinson.

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Bob Ewell is the attorney opposing Atticus Finch in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

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The conflict between Bob Ewell and Atticus in "To Kill a Mockingbird" mainly stems from Ewell's resentment towards Atticus for defending Tom Robinson in court. Ewell feels humiliated by the trial's outcome and takes his anger out on Atticus and his family. Atticus remains calm and tries to defuse the situation through his unwavering sense of justice and integrity.

Why did the group of men come to see atticus Were the men satisfief with the outcome of that meeting?

The group of men came to see Atticus because they were planning to harm Tom Robinson, a black man who Atticus was defending in court. They were not satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, as Atticus stood his ground and refused to back down from defending Tom.

Why do the men go talk to atticus at his house?

The men go talk to Atticus at his house because they are members of a mob looking to harm Tom Robinson, and they want to confront Atticus about defending him in court. They are seeking to intimidate and threaten Atticus to stop him from continuing with the trial.

Who does the community criticize in the book to kill a mockingbird?

The community in "To Kill a Mockingbird" criticizes Atticus Finch for defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. They also criticize and ostracize the Finch family, especially Scout and Jem, for Atticus' actions.

Who pledged revenge against Atticus?

Bob Ewell pledged revenge against Atticus Finch for humiliating him during the trial of Tom Robinson.