A figure that embodies the juxtaposition of darkness and joy, a black demon with a smiling white mask could represent duality and hidden emotions. The image might evoke feelings of unease or mystery, as the contrast between the sinister appearance and the cheerful expression creates an unsettling aura.
black adapted the culture of white man or colonizer
History says that Leopold Mozart wore a black double-faced mask with a tricorn hat, one side of it smiling, the other side frowning.
Charlie scene wears the bandanna, Funny Man wears a black mask with FM on it and three freckles, J-Dog wears a white mask with a dollar over his mouth with "blood" coming down from the eyes, Johnny 3 Tears has a blue mask with a GIANT WHITE 3 on it and a black butterfly on his right eye, Da Kurrlz has a white mask with one side smiling and the other frowning, and Deuce (who is now w/ 9lives) has pink tape over his mouth with blue running down from his eyes. I hope that clears everything up :P
Black and white patterned cats can come from any breed. The black and white pattern can be seen in Alley, Persian, Tom and Black Mask cats.
It is a cursed mask because before the game began, it was used by an ancient tribe for ritual summonings. They eventually realized that the demon they were summoning was dangerous, so they sealed the demon in the mask, and then sealed the mask in shadow for all eternity to prevent its misuse.
A mime wears a black and white striped shirt, black slacks, black shoes and white gloves. They paint their face white, with black lips and eyes, as to look like an old mask.
Charlie scene wears a bandana with sunglases and a hat. J-Dog has a hockey mask with a dollar bill over the mouth and red paint "blood" coming dow from the eyes. DaKurlzz mask is creepy. It's white, one half is smiling, one half frowning Funnymans mask is all black with fm on it in yellow somewhere little Deuces mask is a hockey mask with pick tape over the mouth and blue coming down from the eyes J3T wears a mask that is blue with a three on it and a butterfly I think. Hope this clears s.hit up :]
Black color hide content and White reveal but on layer which have layer mask, if you want to hide content then create mask on layer you want to hide content and paint with Black.
You first need to create a "mask" (Photoshop has a special name for these that I don't recall at this moment). Then using the mask you can tell Photoshop to convert the unmasked portion of the photo from color to black and white.
The Black Mask was created in 1901.
In the movie, Phoenix (1998), detective James Nutter (Daniel Baldwin) wears a smiling rabbit mask when he and his colleagues rob the strip club.
In Adobe Photoshop. You must make mask.