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i recon you should trust her, but at the same time, make sure she isn't using it as an excus to go there and have sex with him

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Q: Your girlfriend wants to stay friends with her ex talk to him see him casually etc should you be concerned?
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There is this guy you like you really think he likes you too So do your friends but he just got a girlfriend you are totally devastated What do you do?

Well, I think you should just wait til he and his girlfriend break up/ or you can casually talk to him to see what he is like. And if he is like you then great just wait.. :)

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Well you could ask one of your friends to do it, or just ask around and see if anyone knows. Or you could casually ask him if he has a girlfriend and if he asks why, just say you were curious or just wondered about it.

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you should apoligize t your friend and his girlfriend

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If you two are genuine friends & nothing more, yes. There should not be an issue. Just remember to be respectful of his relationship & his girlfriend.

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get to know them better

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One thing you can do is just confront the girl and ask her! She's your girlfriend! you should feel comfortable asking her these kind of things....If its not THAT kind of a relationship watch her reactions when she with you: does she get closer to you when talking, does she always smile at you, does she always flirt with you, is she concerned when you are concerned?Also, you can always talk to her friends that know her best and see what they think

What if you have a girlfriend but your friends make fun of you because you dating her?

if there your real friends then they would be supportive of your relationship, and you shouldn't let your friends make fun of you girlfriend. remind them who has the girlfriend around here, And maybe they should get a girlfriend. But if you tell them to stop and they won't then forget them.

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no not at all

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if all your friends shout " do it do it do it" over and over again

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No, it is not wise for the new girlfriend and ex wife to be friends and the ex wife should move on. If children are involved then the ex husband and ex wife should be dealing with this.

When should a man stop being friends with his ex-girlfriend?

when the ex girlfriend is dating your brother or friends. that pissis me off it happened to me thats when all of my friends stop being friends with the ex and my ex bestie.

How should you ask your girlfriend if she is on her period?

You don't. If she is, she is probably bipolar or maybe cranky and you might be able to tell. If you feel really comfortable with her than just casually ask her!