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You need to be upfront with that person, sit down and explain to them the reasons why you no longer want to be friends. Be kind, but firm. Don't shout, get angry or stressed... just put your side across.

This is far better than just trying to ignore that person.

While it is a really hard thing to do, once you have done it and explained your reasons it will be a weight off your shoulders.

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16y ago
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12y ago

If you dont want to be friends with someone you usually ignore them, If they call your name just pretend you cant hear them. If they ask you to play a game with him/her just say no not today.

Or if you want to take the risk just say to your friend. "Umm you know I'm friends with you? Well..... I don't think we should be.... I'm not being mean or anything but I sort of don't want to be your friend."

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15y ago

Just be honest and tell them or try to work on the things that you dont like about them

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12y ago

You should send them flowers and caremel chocolates. Say you wanna be friends :) take some time away from each other and in a while u while become friends again... don't force it


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