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Oh god lets get started. Not saying anything hun but lets just skip to the facts and if my words offend you, my apologies! I highly doubt he has feelings, he just needs someone to rely on. Yes I understand how you probably would want to not inform how he was drunk, even so he was aware of the text he sent.

To be specific:

This could be a mate teasing you;

Play hard to get to discover whether his feelings are truthful;

In my opinion, although you seem flattering I doubt that if you return to the relationship it will only end in a disaster since he's probably only using you for you may be responsible or is just not used to being alone as such. Since he was drunk that is also another reason for why I doubt it.

Hope this helps x

Sorry that you are in this situation!

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Q: Your ex boyfriend has sent you a drunk text has started talking to you again and says he misses talking to you too does this mean he has feelings for you and should you ask him if he wants to meet up?
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