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yes they are burgers yes they are very little

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Q: Your breasts are little
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Related questions

Does willow smith have breasts yet?

A little

Did tuts dad have breasts?

He was often shown as having pendulous breasts. Tut seemed to have little 'budding' breasts too, though not to the extent of his Dad.

If you drink a lot of milk will that make your breasts big just by a little?

Sorry! Milk, even a lot of milk will not make your breast bigger, not even a little bit.. The only way to get bigger breasts is my breasts implants.

Who has smallest breasts?

me....just kidding probley little gurls :)

Why do girls have breasts and men have little breasts?

same reason men have penises and women dont, men are attracted to boobs, women are attracted to penises.

In Role Models what was the little boy Ronnie Shields obsession?

Female Breasts

Your breasts have little pink veins where your nipple leads what does this mean?

it's normal

What does it mean when your back hurts your breasts hurt a little and your thighs hurt?

See a doctor

How do you if breasts are budding?

If you can see a little bit if breast through your tee shirt without wearing any kind of a sports bra or regular bra, then your breasts are budding.

How do you hold breasts?

You cup your hands and if the breasts are naked you put your hands on them and feel how lovely and soft and warm they are and you give them a nice little squeeze. They feel really nice.

Are your daughters breasts too big?

It depends mostly on the size of the breasts in relation to the size (height and weight) that she is. Also, age and body type factor in a little bit, too.

Why do men have man breasts?

There are two different types of man boobs or 'moobs'. One reason is that they have an overproduction of the female hormone in the body called 'oestrogen'. The other reason is that they are a little over weight. Breasts are essentially just fat stores. But they are not actually breasts.