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Fight back, press charges and leave.

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Q: Your boyfriend keeps flirting with different girls and has been violent with you what should you do?
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How can you tell when a girl is going to slap you while flirting?

Perhaps when she lifts her hand... Although, just because you are flirting doesn't mean she should get violent. Unless you like it.

What do you do if your best friend is flirting with your boyfriend but she doesnt know it?

Be straight forward with her. Tell her gently that she is being a little to intimate with your boyfriend and politely ask her to stop. If she is a good friend, she'll apologize for her wrongdoings and she should stop flirting.

What to do when your good friend likes your boyfriend?

As long as she is not flirting with him or talking about him all the time it should be fine. Maybe you should talk to her.

How do you tell off you boyfriend when hes flirting with other girls?

To tell off one's boyfriend when he's flirting with other girls, a person should tell their boyfriend how disrespectful and hurtful it is for them to do that. Inform them that if they want to be in a relationship, they must learn to control themselves otherwise the relationship is over.

What should you do if my boyfriend is flirting with others?

Sit down with him/her and tell them your inner feelings if they still flert then dump them

Best friend but she is talkin to your boyfriend should you be concerned?

no you shouldn't unless she is flirting with him the yes but if they are just talking then no

How do you stop a girl from flirting with your boyfriend?

>>>Kill her, hahah, joke,, it's up to your boyfriend, if he wants what the girl is doing with him then well I think you should talk to your bf... then both of you should decide on what to do./.

Your boyfriend is flirting with other girls what should you do?

dump him because he is OBVIOUSLY not worth your effort if he doesn't consider you that important.

What should you do if there's a guy flirting with you and you're with your boyfriend?

depends on the guy and ur boyfriend usually ppl would ignore the guy but what if ur boyfriend is an ugly jerk and the boy is a hot sweetie...

What are the signs your best friend is flirting with your boyfriend?

One of the signs is you friend is trying to get you to break up with your boyfriend. Also when ever you are alone together she comes in and interups you. If she is always laughing and "acting dumb" around him that's another sign. If she's trying to always hang around him and his friends that should be pretty obvious.

How do you get a black girl with big breasts to stop flirting with all the boys and start paying attention to her boyfriend?

Whether black or any other skin color or even big breasted girls should not be flirting if they have a boyfriend. If you are a friend then stay out of it as it is up to her boyfriend to decide if he wants to put up with her flirting and it is up to the girl in question to realize she is probably going to end up with a bad reputation.

Should I tell my sister her boyfriend has a nsfw blog and engages in cyber flirting with other people?

You most definitely should tell your sister. Flirting with another person not in the relationship is cheating. He is stepping outside their relationship and that isn't fair to her.