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U can try and convince him but if u can't u need to accpet the possibility that he is possebility that he is possesvive or maybe be cheating

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Q: Your boyfriend always thinks you are cheating what do you do you can never even talk to other guys without him getting mad but he can always talk to girls?
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Best is not to have anything to do with him, once a cheat always a cheat.

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If your boyfriend starts to stop showing affection towards you and is always busy and going out instead of being with you. These are signs of your boyfriend cheating on you.

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Unfortunately there is no way you can tell if your boyfriend is cheating when he lives so far away and you will have to have blind faith and trust him. If he phones you; texts you two or more times a week then it would appear he is still interested in you, but if he is getting in contact with you less and less then there is always that possibility he may be dating.

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Just get over it !! ANSWER: Give yourself TIME, it always work

Your boyfriend get very angry when he hears someone cheated on there partner does this mean hes cheating on you?

Most of the time, but not always.