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its simple, if he cant respect you, then BRAKE UP WITH HIM!

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Q: You told your boyfriend you don't want to French kiss and when you kissed for the first time he kept trying to use tongue and you don't want to bring it up again so what can you do?
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He is trying to be "Gallant" A word that means romantic and stylish together.

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Maybe she is trying to make you jelous and get you to prove how much you like her by winning her over.

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He kissed your sister? Omg, yes. Don't stay together if he was like, making out, with her, but if it was just a peck on the cheek, stay together. And if she was trying to kiss him, then be mad at your sis, and keep the boy if he didn't want to but was forced.

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If he kisses you for longer than a few seconds and tries to put his tongue in your mouth then he's trying to french kiss you.

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Either she simply missed you, or she was trying to make her new BF jelaous, or she wanted you to know what you were missing.

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What the hell, are you TRYING to get her in trouble? Leave her alone before her boyfriend comes out with the gun.

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A red bump on the bottom of the tongue could be due to various reasons such as canker sores, irritation from certain foods, oral thrush, or even a viral infection like oral herpes. It is best that he consults a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment.

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I'm not trying to sound like a mom or nothin, but 1. he shouldn't have kissed you if he's already got a girlfriend, and 2. he shouldn't be acting like your boyfriend if HE"S GOT A GIRL!! - I say you just forget about it, and tell him to do the same, because kissing another girl's boyfriend is asking for huge trouble, and a whole lotta drama.

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What should you do if you kissed your boyfriend's brother and you both enjoyed it and now can't stop thinking about him?

Either you be honest with both by letting your feelings be known, and let your boyfriend go so you're not selfishly trying to have both, or you can let what happened go realizing that this could split two brothers up because of your wants and desires.

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* It's very possible that the guy who spread the lie really cares for you and is trying to split you and your boyfriend up. If you know where this guy hangs out then tell your boyfriend you are willing to take him with you to face this guy who spread the rumors to prove you never did cheat on him in any way. If your boyfriend can't give you that much respect then he's not the man he should be and it's best to move on even though all this hasn't been fair to you.

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It means...he's not trying to hurt you.