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You THINK you might be into S & M? Who would know better than you? At any rate, whatever floats your boat, man.... Only you can determine that, though. So, let's say you are into all of that. Fine. I would say as long as you aren't 13 or something, no big deal. If you are very young, I would kind of tap the brakes a bit, and not try to catagorize yourself yet. Wait and see if this is something you feel strongly about, say when you are 21. By then if you are into it, you are pretty much into it. As long as you are not killing anybody, and the acts you engage in are consentual, who can say anything about it? Understand that your parents may not share the same feelings about the situation as you do. And that's OK. They have a right to have an opinion, too. Don't try to convince them to think like you, it won't happen. Tell them that this is who you are. Just as they chose a heterosexual relationship, you have the right to make your own choice. Give them time to adjust, and keep the level of communication open. They will eventually come around to at least respecting your lifestyle. They may never agree with it, but do they really have to? Good luck, Steve.

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