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Ok, I know this really isn't that much of an answer, but more of advice:

*Do not ask him out

*Try to talk to him as much as possible

*If you are playing a ball game, pass the ball to him

But I got nothing else...:( This is the exact same question I would ask, because I've been in this situation before, I just didn't know how to put it into words.

Advice from other contributors:

  • I can imagine several reasons why he'd appear to like you first but then changes. Maybe he found a girlfriend in the meantime and isn't interested in you anymore because of that, maybe he got to know something about you that he absolutely didn't like. But maybe also at some point he thought he doesn't have a chance anyway so he gave up, or he noticed you like him too and that makes him shy. The above advice is basically the right way to go, talk to him, say hi on the hallways, ask him how he is etc. etc. just show you care about him. Smile much, laugh when he says funny things or things that are supposed to be funny at least ;) I wouldn't say "Don't ask him out" though... if you talk to him and show him you want him and he still doesn't ask you, you might have to ask him some day what he thinks about you or you'll never be sure.
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Q: You really like this guy and you thought he liked you too But now he doesnt really act like it How do you get him to ask you out?
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