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pull your dick out

put it on her desk

trust me girls dig it.<-- EW NO.........!! Try to Impress her.. make her laugh...

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Q: You love your class girl how to attrat that girl?
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Is it a good idea to love a girl in the same class?

if you mean "same class" as in the same history class with you or something then yah, of course you can like her, but "love" is different. if you love a girl before even dating her then you probably don't love her

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The girl was the women that fell in love with the boy

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Try seeing if you have the same interests to start up a conversation.

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try to get her attention or even tell her the way you feel ....or she would never know how u care for her

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Love does not concern itself with borders, class, or distance or ethnicity or skin colour. In other words, yes.

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Well, try to show her your feelings for her. Get her attention, just whatever you do, do it in a way it won't hurt her. From: roxy_2361

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Since we don't know either of you, we can't really help you make this decision. You're going to have to go on your own instincts.

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your too young chill out.. you shouldn't want to go out with a girl that wont truly love you....... YOU WILL FIND THE RIGHT GIRL SOON DONT BE SO DESPARATE!!!

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I have a boy in my class. I am crazy about him..but everyone in my class thinks so too! It's embarrasing because I sit next to him in class..but he just won't ask me out!! It's harder than you may think ppls! Love, Lonely Girl I have a boy in my class. I am crazy about him..but everyone in my class thinks so too! It's embarrasing because I sit next to him in class..but he just won't ask me out!! It's harder than you may think ppls! Love, Lonely Girl