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i have the same problem but my friends say ask him but think about if theres a posability

do you know if that boy is in a relationship if he is then you can't do anything but if he is not than just try to make your friends ask him in a playful way so he won't feel weird

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8y ago
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13y ago

If you like a guy, you should take control and talk to him about it, maybe try asking for his email, and start emailing him with a flirtacious attitude towards the emails. If he responds positively then he may have feelings back for you. If the playing feeling is mutual in your eyes, maybe set up a date between you and him, and tell him how you truly feel face to face, you never know what will happen. Never leave it to the last minute when something bad happens, you never want to wonder "what if?"

That is such a dumb idea. LOL! Can't believe you said that. Got a laugh today.

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13y ago

if your older make a move such as asking for his #, then movies, mall, etc, then ask if he wants to come over. if your younger then jus flirt like ask to thumb wrestle, touch his hair, back etc, make up xcuses to touch him in different places, if you have known him for a long time talk about old time like remember when we....., or if you just met then get to know him better a month or so should do it. ask your friends for advice if they think hes a good guy or bad guy and why.......#1 most important thing...BE YOURSELF dont pretend to be someone you are not cuz they could fall for you fake self and not the real you...

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13y ago

forget about him and move on

^ i cant tho :\

the same thing happened to me a day ago u shouldn't let go at all he might come around sooner or later just dnt get to absorbed in him just be a realy realy good friend!!! :D

Perhaps take a week away from/avoid him (if possible) and really think about WHY you like this boy so it all in his looks? His personality? Write them down...make a list and look at it. Read it. Can anybody else have those traits as well? Think about what makes this boy so special out of everyone else if these traits are things that many other boys also have. You might come to the conclusion that perhaps he is not so perfect as you once thought. You might also realize that he is all the more precious. I can't say for sure what would happen, but when you write or draw it, it provides a visual that can help you sort out your emotions. All in all, DO WHAT YOU THINK AND FEEL IS RIGHT. This is about you after all, don't care about what others may think of you.

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14y ago

If he likes you he'll say so or give you a very ovious hint. Unless he's shy if he is help him out, ask if you want. "Just say Do you like Me"? Whatever floats ur boat.

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15y ago

im a boy just wait it out or if your in school and the same class if your teacher says get a partner then try to get any chance you can be their partner.

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14y ago

Try to find a quiet place to tell him. Just you two.

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14y ago

You should ask him straight out if he likes you. Not around his friends though because he'll feel uncomfortable.

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If you like a guy and your not sure if he likes you what should you do?

You should tell him how you feel. Best Wishes!

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Make sure you both like each other. If one of you don't like the other then it could work out badly. But if you are really sure that this guy likes you and your ready to commit, go for it!

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You should tell the guy who likes you that you don't like him, but not until you ask the guy who you like if he likes you.

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Only if you do like him. Make sure he's serious first!

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I think you should make sure if he likes you and make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend. If he doesn't, ask him out or make it clear that you like him so he asks you out.

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I say if you know he likes you ask him out only if you know for sure so you don't get embarrassed if he says no

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Depends on the guy, you should make a move an see