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you should talk to him.ask him about your feelings for each other.................tell him that he should forget about his ex--.....................

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Q: You like a guy who likes you too but still has feelings for his last girlfriend what should you do?
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I told a guy with a girlfriend i love him he still talks and texts me a lot but hes still with his girlfriend i really love him and it hurts so bad does he like me and what should i do?

Well if he knows the feelings and he is still staying with her , then it maybe suggests he dosent want to leave her. If he had feelings for you he would have probably told you , but maybe hes just to shy and scared his girlfriend will find out . Best thing to do is ask him if he likes you .

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No you should not wait because if he had real feelings for you he would be with you, not "asking you out in due time"

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That means that he never really lost feelings about you when you broke up. You are his key to the lock in his heart.

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HELLO!?! Do you know nothing? It's because she still likes you, or has feelings for you. Open your eyes. If you can't do that, then you don't deserve her.

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If you still have feelings for her you to should get back together.

Should yu tell your ex your still have feelings for them even if your in another relationship?

If you have feelings for your ex, but are in a relationship, i suggest you break up with your current girlfriend/boyfriend, and see if your ex still has feelings....

What do you do if your ex still likes you and you still like your ex but she has a girlfriend?

Tell her that you still have feelings for her and you know she does too. silently walk away. if she actually loves u she WILL come back. and that last answer was so mean.

How do you know your girlfriend still likes you?

Ask her !

What if your ex makes you jealous with a fake girlfriend but you ignored him totally even when he is stay around you or looks at you and you see that this annoys Does he still have feelings?

If he is trying to make your jealous with a fake girlfriend, then evidently, he likes you quite a lot.

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still has feelings for her

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have sex with your recent girlfriend and keep on until your ex is normal and that means every singl night ok.

How do you ask a boy if he still likes as a girlfriend even though you tw o are broken up?

Either get a friend to ask him for you or sit down with him and be honest about your feelings toward him.