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Girls are hard to read! Sometimes you can't tell if she likes you or is being friendly haha. Maybe just ask her if she's interested in anyone?

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12y ago
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10y ago

sometimes girls really want to tell the person like they like them but don't know how. Its part of life. They may be nervous but you can get the courage! :)

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15y ago

ask her =simple if ur brave

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Q: You like a girl but dont know if she likes you?
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Like a Girl but dont know if she likes you?

just ask her if she likes you

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If u like a girl who already has a boyfriend but you dont know if she likes you or know,the first thing you have to do is that you will have to make friendship with that girl and if she is already your friend,then increase your friendship and one day confidently ask her that what does she feel about you..

I like a girl but I dont know if she likes me back. I am to nervous to tell her that I like her. What do I do?

Maybe you should wait a little and see if she likes you if she likes you ask her out.

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If you dont let her\him down gently

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Well he sounds like a girl when he sings, but i dont know if he likes his self or not and stuff you know, but he sounds like a girl is singing when he sings!

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I'm a girl if she doesnt have a boyfriend, your not nerdy, or if you KNOW she likes you ask her out but if your a geek dont ask she will get embarressed. Also ask her when you two are by your self or the answer will be no!!

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If you like her tell her\him how you feel If you dont let her\him down gently

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Tell her you really like her simple ya i mean that is what girls want to happen because they know!

You like this girl but she doesnt know it and you dont know if she likes you What should you do?

My advice:Find out!say "Hi"to her see how she reactsIf she smiles and says hi back,then she probly likes you

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ask him who he likes....then if your comfortable tell him you like him.

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because guys are silly , they dont know how to tell a girl they like her , instead of telling a gilr they joke and play around to give you a hint or they dont know if you like thme back