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Can you rmember his face cleary? relationships with family members boyfriends is dangerous. Try to hang out with your friends so much you forgett about him. most likely its just a crush, it will pass, just give it time. don t worry. AVOID him face to face but secretly spy on him, if you are lucky you will find out there is more hateable things about him than likeable things. and besides, you dont want to get tied down to him because if you do fall in love with him, guy are afraid of commitment so yould be up for a heartbreak.

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Q: You are in love with your sisters boyfriend and you can't get over him What do you do?
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give her some time.

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You cant make someone love you. If you love them and they love you back then fair enough but if they don't love you then get over it. There will be plenty more fish in the sea.

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Go back to him

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If you love your boyfriend then you would get over the other guy you like! If you don't love your boyfriend for any reason break up with him and give some time to think of what you have done then if you got over your boyfriend tell your friend you like him!

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try to focus of the new guy and try to for get about the old guy if you can't then go back to the old guy

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we cant get over with someone abruptly. it takes time... focus your attention to other things or aspects of your life

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Get back together with them.

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you cant its to hard

If your parnets tell you you cant have a boyfriend?

Don't get mad at them, they love you and are doing it to protect you. Maybe even agree with them, that normally wins parents over. Whos knows! You could have a boyfriend sooner than you think! =] You should also try asking them when they plan releasing you from the restriction.

Cant get over my ex boyfriend...tried everything. help?

try harder. if you tried everything you'd be over him already.

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Get over it and find someone else.