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first you should turn the tables around and think how you would feel if this happened to you for a man his ego is bruised very badly and he now probably feels inadequate in front of his friend if it had been someone he didn't know i would say try to win him back but with his own friend Naa that is one of the things that can justify a divorce any way cheating and or death not in MARRAIGE you know you made a mistake so live up to it and let him decide don't push it that way if he comes back it will be because he wants too if in that case he does DONT EVER DO IT AGAIN i cheated on my boyfriend of 5 years and got caught by an std he didn't leave me or hit me and when it was all over i wish he had of done one if not both but i gave him some time for a while he stopped telling me he loved and since then Ive heard it 3 times it hurt him so bad and in return it hurt me men have feelings too just give him some time and space but if he decides not to come back dont trip life goes on consider it a test that you failed and try to pass the next time meanwhile if he does come back that's a sure sign that something is missing in your marriage and you guys need to talk about and resolve what you feel is missing to the point where you feel you need to go to someone else maybe you should think about that while you guys are apart. The best thing to do is give him that space he needs to digest what has happened. You have broken the one bond that most of us cling onto and that's trust and thus, you've broken his heart. All of us make mistakes throughout our lives (hopefully we learn from them) we are just human and your husband should realize that. Although he needs his space keep in touch with him every week. See if he'll meet with you. There was something wrong with your marriage from the beginning and perhaps neither of you were filling each other needs and had poor communication skills. Poor communication skills in a relationship (be it a partner, family member or friend) and causes more problems than necessary. It will take some time before your husband will trust you again and you are really going to have to earn it. In time, he'll trust you. Have that meeting with him. Meet for a drink, coffee or go for a walk where there aren't too many people. My husband and I walk with the dogs to resolve a lot of our problems because it seems to calm things down if it's a very difficult decision we have to make. We also MAKE the time each day to sit (TV off and no answering phone calls) to discuss our day or any problems we may have. We've been married almost 36 years. Marriage takes work and it's not all a bed of roses, so you have to be strong, know what you weakness' and strengths are (as he does) and build on that. When in doubt discuss your problems with each other.

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Q: You Made mistake you cheated on your husband with one of his friends he left says he needs time and space How do you get him to come back Home and fall in Love with you again Cause you truly Love him?
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