Invite them both to sit with you
and if they dont want to sit with each other find some other freinds to sit with and tell them to work it out
Because he's your 'friend' and not your 'boyfriend', so I guess it's okay for a guy 'friend' to to come up randomly and sit on your lap because friends are just random and weird like that. ;)
Answer Well, for me, that would not go over very well unless he hasn't seen his best friend in a long time and he's in town to visit or something like that. If it happens all the time I think it would be normal to be a little concerned.
You need to be more secure in your relationship with your boyfriend and more trusting of your friend. If you find that it seems more than what it should be then you should step in and sit down and talk with both of them.
The best thing to do is sit down with your current boyfriend, and talk to him about this. There is no reason to keep something like this a secret, especially if it'll cause lies, and problems in the relationship later-on. You need to talk to him, and tell him the truth like I said before. From what happens from there depends on the boyfriend.
Sit down and think carefully about what is it that you like or attracts you to your boyfriends best friend, maybe write a list of the things. Then think about your boyfriend and do the same. Compare the lists, is what you like in your Bf's best friend simply physical appearance, do you just have a crush on him that would be removed if you knew him better? If the lists are similar then try getting to know your boyfriends best friend better in a very subtle way so that your boyfriend doesn't know or get jealous. If you find that on getting to know him better you don't like him then quickly back off. However if you find that you are getting to like him better it is time to carefuly evaluate your relationship. Perhaps your boyfriend's best friend has qualities or characteristics that you yearn for that your boyfriend lacks? Talk to his best friend before you talk to your boyfriend about this. It may sound underhand but both his best friend and you don't want to hurt him and will do what is best at this point before you get too attached to each other. If you tell your boyfriend then he will be immediatly wary of his best friend which will be awful for all three of you and even if the relationship with your boyfriend works out just great, he will never forget that there was a time when you found his best friend more attractive than him. Of course these are only guidelines to be adapted to different situations and personalities. Be very careful as you don't want to turn the two guys against each other over you. I hope this helps, good luck!
There may be issues between you and your best friends.
Sit out the drama. There is really not much you can do here.
I guess the best thing to do is get your boyfriend and sit and have a talk with him about the situation. You be the judge on which you can really trust him enough to give him another chance.
follow your heartAnswerIf its YOUR boyfriend and your friend has been hitting on him or trying to "get with him" then you need to confront her, if she refuses to let off, then talk to your boyfriend about it. Now, if its YOU that wants your FRIENDS boyfriend, you need to find someone else, don't try to ruin something that your not part of, if your friends boyfriend is cheating on your friend with you, girl, you got some problems! You need to back off her boyfriend, YOUR HER FRIEND! not her enemy.Answerthen you need to have a talk with both of them and tell your friend that you are his girlfriend and that you feel they are getting to closewell if there your best friend they wouldn't hurt you like that and if your boyfriend has feelings for her then hes probably not worth fussing don't want to waste a friendship over a boy.well some part of you should be happy because they are strting to get to kno each other. the other part should sit down with you friend and tell her that he is your boyfriend and you don't like too much when you are doing whatever.
Just sit down with him & have a serious talk. Explain the situation calmly. If he still doesn't want you or believes your best friend over you, just leave him alone. There is nothing you can do. You can't make someone want to be with you.
you need to sit your boyfriend down and talk to them about what they feel for your bestfriend. if you love then you would do anythig to make him happy even though it may hurt. i know it may sound like something yonu dont want to hear but its the truth. when you lvoe someone you put their feelings before your own.
did your friend know that you liked him/her? you need to sit him/her down and talk about it.