I think that if u are 13 and u want a chance with Mac guttenburg then he should give you a chance. For all we know it might work out
Mac Landon Guttenberg
Mac Guttenberg
Mac Guttenberg, he said it on twitter once
He's 16 his birthday's on December 18, 1994
Mac's last name is Guttenberg, he said on Twitter once.
He created the moveable type in 1450
They don't
yes, it will come out for mac on the release date.
Personally i think a mac is better because they run faster and the have more programs and up to date programs installed on. Also many people that i know that have a mac, it has lasted them for a long time! I would go with a mac!
It could be the fact that it is an older computer. I have a 2000 model of Mac OS 9 that will display the year as 1956 half the time.