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srry to break it to ya but women are five times smarter than men, if you look at Ireland right know it is being controlled by a women and do you see them having any problems (NOPE) infact they are so high in education and health care its almost unbeliveable. women are not considered second class, it was only in the late1900's that women were considered human and you know what they finally got what they deserved. they are now equal to every other person on this earth. men think so high of themselfs but every crab that happenes on this earth is ALL their faults. they pollute this earth, they take uniccessary resources for selffishness, they apduct and murder youngster(cruel), they use drugs, they take advantage of poor helpless women, they start wars in other countrys who refuse to side up with them (U.S.A), and are sexist. the real question should be that why are women not considered equals to men. for all i and any other women on this care they can all burn in heLL.

but to be fair women do crimes too, they can be just as heartless as any criminal.

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Q: Women second-class human beings
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