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That is a tough situation and extremely difficult to forecast. I guess the question is "can you live with that possibility?" If it happened once, it could happen again. If you really love him, you should attempt to find out why he would look to someone else and try to resolve the issue if possible. Still, you will never know for sure whether it is truly resolved. Thus, once again, can you live with that possibility?

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Q: Will your husband think about the other woman forever when he had a 3 year affair?
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How can I explain my affair to my husband and that there was no intimacy?

You will have to think very clearly about telling your husband about having an emotional affair. Most men do not believe a woman can have an emotional affair and not have a sexual relationship. There is a high possibility that your husband may not believe that when you had an affair there was no sex involved although this is highly possible, but not in his mind. What you can do is learn good communication skills and you must have had your reasons (that clouded your judgment) to have an affair and you need to deal with these problems. Take time to think why you felt the need to have an emotional affair in the first place and then sit down with your husband and express why you are unhappy in the marriage and perhaps seek Marriage Counseling or the two of you could make a better effort with each other to make your marriage a more solid one. Once you have broken that bond of trust with your spouse it is difficult to gain their trust back.

Do you really think you can have a happy marriage after your husband's affair?

It depends. you have to decide if you will be better with him or without him, and whether or not you are prepared to forgive him.

Should your wife still be in contact with him?

Gosh no, how can she justify the pain that she gave to her husband if she still contact him. If this is what she is doing, for God sake just get a divorce so both can move on. Just like when the husband is the one that had the affair, if he keeps contact with his mistress what do you think the wife will feel? Either way husband or wife that has the affair needs to be honest, and never contact the affair partner..

Im having an affair but she is still sleeping with her man?

If she is living or married to this man why would you think she wouldn't be sleeping with him because it's a relationship. An 'affair' means that one is cheating on their mate with another. Cheating is wrong and the persons cheating generally lose out.Answer:Wow I didn't know that you are jealous or even insecure about your mistress sleeping with her husband. I don't think you can predict what she will do when she's at home with her husband. If her husband didn't know that she is having an affair, I think she will be more loving towards him so he wouldn't suspect anything.I'm afraid that you don't have a leverage, because she is still married to her husband.

When it comes to affair of your spouse why is the wife who needs to change and understand her husband?

The women automatically think it's their own fault.

You had an affair your husband hates you?

Can you blame your husband why he hated you? Just imagine the hurt he have right now because of what you did. It doesn't matter if you think man are tough, but still they will be hurt. Because of this your husband has a lot in his mind, esp. pain and betrayal. I think the best thing for you to do is talk to him, tell him and don't tell him the words " it was a mistake" I'm sorry. Remember it is not a mistakes if man or woman do have affairs and slept with the other person. To say it was a mistake, why did you continued your affair, instead of stopping it after the first time. This are the consequences that you will see.

How do you overcome the fear of intimacy after your husband's affair?

Your husband has broken that bond of trust you had for him by having an affair and it will take time for you to gain his trust back. Women are more difficult to forgive sexually when their husband's have an affair and feel they may be competing with the other woman. Men on the other hand seem to have no difficulty if their wife cheated and he took her back to continue on with an intimate relationship. Give it time and good communication skills between the two of you are a must and both of you should be honest in relating to each other how each of you feels. Time does heal. You may also think of going to marriage counseling to learn some good tools to strengthen your marriage.

When the wife finds out and the husband turns on the mistress?

ANSWER:Are you talking about the wife discovered her husband's affair? If she did and her husband made a choice of going to his mistress, the answer is right in front of you. Your husband pick the other woman and I know its sad after what you've been through. Now you must think about you now, and make a decision to do the right thing.Let me tell you what had happen to me, I discovered the man I marry's affair. My children and I was shock and our world change that moment I caught him. Instead of being concerned that I discovered his affair, he was more concerned on calling his mistress and warned her that I knew what's going on. And this is the man I spent 2 decade of my life waiting for him and making his life comfortable.

What should one do when your husband said you have affairs and you don't even think about it an affair?

You should talk to him politely and tell him. You can tell your whereabouts about which he has been unsure.

Should you call the women you suspect your husband is having an affair with if he says they are just friends?

no, bcuz she'll just say the same; that will make you more curious. got to find out the hard way... patience and time will tell. ANSWER: I disagree, you can call the other woman by asking her questions. If you don't, it doesn't matter if they are only friends, it will end up in affair. Example of what you can do, if you call her, ask her why she didn't say no to your husband. After she hears you, she will be nervous because she will think that your husband told her...........try this

How do you deal and get past your husband affair when the other woman my husband and myself all work at the same place and you have to see her everyday?

ANSWER: You can't and you don't. It will be like putting a knife inside your own heart. Your position is a bit awkward right now and hard but I think your husband is the one that needs to solve this for everyone sake. One of you, maybe the woman he had an affair with is the one that needs to transfer. Talk to your husband and tell him how you feel. OR the best thing is talk to the Supervisor or Manager and tell them how uncomfortable it is working because the woman that help your husband ruin your life is always around where you work. This is all you can do.

How do you choose between your husband and your affair?

You have far more to lose emotionally and in every other way if you choose the affair. You know the answwer to this or you wouldn't have asked the question.AnswerWith all due respect, if you can't decide who you love and want to be with, they would probably both be better off if you chose neither. If either one of them made you truly happy you wouldn't be asking this question. Think about it. If you felt happy and fulfilled in your marriage, you wouldn't feel the need to cheat on your husband. And if your lover provided you with everything you felt your marriage was lacking, you would be trying to decide how to tell your husband that you want a divorce instead of trying to choose between him and someone else.However, if you really need someone else to tell you what you should do...Unless he's a real ogre, it's my personal opinion that you owe it to your husband to give up this other person and try to make your marriage work...but if he's such an ogre you wouldn't feel torn between him and someone else, right?ANSWER:First of all why do you want to choose between your husband and the man your having an affair with? Did your husband did something so bad that you decided to have the affair? If you don't have the love for your husband, I think it's time for you to let him go. He doesn't need all this pain from you. You can not choose who is the best or who is more loving. You are comparing your husband towards the man you had the affair, this is not fair towards your husband. You remind me of the man I married, comparing 2 different person is a no no to me.