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“This place is a time capsule,” Burton said of the community in which she lives. “It really values preservation. It values coming together, the arts. In choosing this place we knew that we had to play an active role in helping to continue to preserve it. You can’t just move into something and leech off of it. You have to move into something and help support it. So hopefully, that’s what we’ve been able to do.”

Since relocating from Los Angeles to Dutchess County, Burton and Morgan have been spearheading renovations at Astor, which since 1953 has provided behavioral and educational services for children, some of whom have suffered trauma and psychiatric illness. In February, the couple will for the third time host a spooky story fundraiser to pay for the renovations.

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Q: Will you marry a man whom you do not love but whom your parents desire?
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Will you marry whom you love?

already did:)

What is the term for a marriage where parents decide whom their children marry?

Arranged Marriage

Can a man love a woman but not marry?

yes, there may be some reason for not marrying a woman whom he does love. e.g. mostly it happens that there is protest from family & to keep family values, man doesnt marry woman to whom he loves

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if two girls love you, then marry both of them lol... ;P

Do parents have the right to have a say in whom their children marry?

Yes, parents have the right to say in whom their children marry.Parents have the right to say whom their children marry because parents know what is best for their children.They have the past experience of marriage and they know who they should marry as they know their likes and dislikes and what their consequences may be.The children may be underage and the parents have the right to stop them and guide them, by teaching them the right things. The children might not know what is the real meaning of marriage and what marriage is for.No, parents do not have the right to have a say in whom their children marry.Children should make their own decisions.Forcing the children may cause them to have an unhappy marriage.The children must be independent and choose who they want to marry.Neutral.Parents may have already arranged an arranged marriage and the children might decline.Children may choose who they want to marry but the parents may decline.Both the children and the parents may choose who the children marry.

I love that girl i want marry she is Muslim iam Hindu i want to marry that girl with out purmession of my parents?

Dear Why U want to marry a girl whom ur parents don't like? have U tried to find out the actual reason behindit.If the answer is religion only then U go ahead & marry the girl u want , but if their reasons are something diffrent , U should give a second thought to ur decision .

Who want to marry Janie?

In Zora Neale Hurston's novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God," Janie is married three times. Her first husband is Logan Killicks, who was chosen for her by her grandmother. Her second husband is Joe Starks, whom she marries out of love and a desire for a better life. Her third husband is Tea Cake, whom she also marries out of love and who she considers to be her true soulmate.

Who did Juliet almost marry in romeo and Juliet?

Juliet almost married Paris, a nobleman chosen by her parents. However, her true love was Romeo, with whom she secretly married. Their love story ends in tragedy due to the feud between their families.

When will you get married and to whom will it be an arranged or a loved one?

In some cultures, a marriage is arranged during childhood from the children's parents who are either friends, or a debt is owed. In other cultures, a person is allowed to choose who they love and want to marry.

What does Hermia want to do?

Hermia wants to marry the man she loves, Lysander, against her father's wishes. She is determined to choose her own path in love and not be forced to marry Demetrius, whom her father prefers.

If your parent wants you to get married to someone whom they want and you don't love that person you have the one you love and want to be with him for the rest of your life what should you do?

In most (all?) countries, your parents can't marry you against your own will, meaning that if they want to you will have to give your consent. However you yourself cannot marry someone without your parents' consent before you've reached a certain age (18 in most countries). Once you've reached that age your parents can't keep you from marrying who you want anymore.

How to love a girl to whom date is fixed for marriA ge?

you just try to ask how her life is and what does she like and than ask her to marry you