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Of course not. You might go to the doctor with a sore butt. But hell, no.


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11y ago

no you will not go to hell, God loves everybody and he treats everyone equally

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Q: Will you go to hell if you like the same sex?
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If someone is Catholic but gay and they have had intercourse with the same sex will they go to hell?

no they will not

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you will not be going to hell for thinking about sex, it is a very human and normal thing for men and women to think about sex

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yes you can go to hell for haveing sex before marrage but if you have repented for your sins and accepted Jesus into your heart then I believe you wouldn't go to hell.

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That depends on your religion. Almost all religions do not allow it. The majority of people are also against it and do not aprove of it. Hell has never been proven to exist either.

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If you like a woman who is in a non perfect relationship and she seems to like you is it wrong to flirt with her?

Honestly Go ahead, I've gotten lucky both ways, relationship wise and sex wise. So basically why the hell not should be your mindset