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Q: Will outgoing people get shy and try to hide it?
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Do you have answers about guys?

Some guys are outgoing, and some are shy. The outgoing ones will always try to get your attention. They might try to get your attention by doing really random stuff that has no relationship to what the class is or anything. Shy guys will be shy, talk to thme first because they need to know if you like before they start talking to you.

How do you not be shy around a guy?

sort of a hard question to answer... if you're a naturally shy person, and that's the sort of personality you have, don't try to change yourself. If you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing. difficult if you want a guy to notice you tho, depends if he is shy too, if he is, great =) if not, try to do little things that he might notice without being too out there. watch hitch - will smith gives out good advice in that movie!

How do you get my popularity up?

Don't try to be like those popular people in movies and on tv with an attitude, you will be anything but popular. The number one thing to do is to be outgoing; don't be shy.

How can you now that she loves you?

Well, If she is shy she might be really quiet and stare, but if she is outgoing she might try to get your attention all the time( or at least whenever she can).

How do you know if a 10 year old girl likes you?

She will probably act very shy around you. either that or EXTREMELY outgoing to try to grab your attention. Just ask her if you think she likes you! Dont be shy!

Is the guy you like outgoing or shy if he prolongs your gaze and isn't afraid to talk to anyone but you?

he's shy and he likes you. if he can't talk to you, but can hold your gaze, he's trying to talk through his eyes. try to figure out what he's saying.

Why does your shy mutual crush get more shy around you at times?

Well he or she has a crush on you so they try and hide it buy not talking. You shouldn't really worry about it. You Can try to talk to them so they don't feel so uncomfortable they will eventually start to stop being so shy. it will take time

When i was 12-13 i was very outgoing n talkative n got a lot of girls. now im 16 and not as outgoing as i use to be n i nevous around girls and its hard for me to talk to them.. any suggestions?

girls like confidence, so if you want to get some girls then confidence is the key, :D you should just believe in yourself and know your own identity, then confidence will come Answer: hi i actually like shy guys more...just don't be too shy (I'm shy too, and I'm a 15yr. girl) try going for a shy girl...they will like you for you and not just cuz your popular (no offense to outgoing people). hey, could you please let me know what you think about shy girls? (applepie345) thanks! hope this helps!

If You sort of like a girl in your grade how do you get her to notice and like you?

it depends on her personality - is she shy or outgoing? if she's outgoing, maybe try flirting or being funny with her. it also depends on how old you are - if you're young, don't flirt, but if you're older, then you can. if she's shy, just try being super nice and maybe offer to help her with her homework or something. im a girl, and i'd feel special if a boy was trying to be friendly with me.

How do you get him to like you if he likes her?

Be more outgoing, and try to be yourself because you want people to like you for who you are.

How can you be less shy around girls?

Look I'm a girl and I'm shy. If you are shy like you say try going for a shy girl. Shy girls may not say much - but that doesn't mean that they can't be fun too! Shy girls will probably make you feel more comfortable than a loud girl because they are more like you. IDK. Basically, every girl wants to be loved. I'm sure that you could go up to almost any girl (outgoing, shy, whatever) and put your arm around them and they would love you. Don't be afraid to talk to girls because seriously they are just as afraid to talk to you (unless there really outgoing). Try talking to a shy girl you might just break the ice and she will think that you are really nice!

How can you get more people to notice you and be your friends?

My suggestion, be yourself and be outgoing. Try participating in group activities.