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Q: Will a youth offenders order stop me from being able to go to America?
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What grades do you need to be a youth offenders social worker?

a level grades for uni to study youth work? a level grades for uni to study youth work?

Is the youth criminal justice act being too lenient on the youth criminals?

Depends about what nation you are talking about. Usually juvanile crimes are dealt softly considering the age of offenders.

Violent youth offenders tend to commit what kind of crimes?

Violent crimes ... (durr)

What is Juvinile detention?

it's like jail for minors/kids

To what extent is the youth justice system fair and equitable for youth?

The Justice System is fair and equitable to youth because it gives them a second chance, the consequences are fair and based on the circumstances, it protects the offenders privacy, rehabilitates them and helps to reintegrate them back into society. The Justice System is fair and equitable to youth because it gives them a second chance, the consequences are fair and based on the circumstances, it protects the offenders privacy, rehabilitates them and helps to reintegrate them back into society.

When was Youth of America created?

Youth of America was created in 1981.

What punishments do youth offenders get?

They usually have to go to jail and \or do community work. sometimes they go to a therapie.

Children and youth who commit acts that would be criminal offenses if committed by an adult are called?

juvenile offenders

A sentence with the word youth?

Youth is a time of growth, exploration, and possibility.

When was Youth Service America created?

Youth Service America was created in 1986.

Can you get in the military if you were a youth offender?

youth offenders are baisically brainwashed to go into military service. so yes you can go into the service and sell your soul for some benefits you probably wont receive

When was Youth of America - Birdbrain song - created?

Youth of America - Birdbrain song - was created in 1997-02.