hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha, you sicko. it depends on what part of sleep she is in. if she is in deep REM she might not wake up. you must be desperate.
Also remember that it is called assault. If you touch private parts it is sexual assault. Don't do it.
Kellin Quinn is a guy
Very possible when the guy involved is a jerk and the girl he is sleeping with is acting very foolishly
When you feel up a guy you touch him on his abs or his leg. That gives him a sign that you want to have sex........
This depends on the guy, but generally, I would say that the most part of the girl touched are her hands.
I think different! They should feel it from the heart!
Yes it is, even for a girl. If the guy or girl doesn't want to be touched than you shouldn't touch them in the first pace, but it's extremly rude to touch a front pocket for a guy.
Whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Girls are delicate.
For a guy and girl yes it is. The girl will feel a full body almost spasm and chills down your back. And you'll hear slurping sounds and feel it get wet. The guy will feel it get wet suddenly, and will experience a suction for a couple seconds, so very good.
If you feel comfortable with that then yes let him touch them. But if you don't then don't let him. It's your body don't let any one touch you if you don't feel comfortable.
she gets a wierd feeling in her gut..