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Love. The meaning of the word is so tinted and jaded through our society. Love went from a romantic picnic at the beach to tight jeans and thongs. Let us take love from the beginning, a very good place to start.

Dating. I am beyond tired of hearing pitiful pathetic phrases used lightly, such as "We are gonna be together forever!" For a semi-serious couple in a dating relationship. Especially with the youth. Nothing is for sure until the wedding night, and even still, with the divorce rate at 50% and rising, the chances of you finding a spouse are slim.

I am apologetic if I just popped your bubble, but there is still hope. So let us focus on the original principle of dating.

When the first caveman had more than one cave woman to chose from, he decided he had better try them all out. Now this sounds improper and very un-gentleman like, but that is just because of the tinted views of the society we live in. The actual principle is a clever one. In order to see how an opposite gender pair would react in a marriage setting, the pair is to do just that; put them selves in a marriage setting-where they are more *intimate with each other than standard friends would be-that was easily escape-able if the pair did not prosper. The Reason You Date is not to find a partner, but to find qualities in a future partner.

Then, when you find yourself becoming acquaintances with someone, you can think to yourself, 'Hey, this person has qualities that I desire in a future partner!' and pursue that relationship. It would make sense then, to make a list of qualities you like and don't like. But- you say-how do I know what qualities I desire in a future spouse?- Now we are back to the reason of dating.When you date an individual, you can determine what you do like about that individual-as well as what you don't like. This goes into your list. Eventually, your list will grow.

Another reason you date is to learn how you will react in certain situations. For example-when you and your spouse have a fight about, say cheating, you have the ability to look back on a previous relationship and think-'Hey, when I was dating so-and-so, and she/he thought I was cheating on her/him, I was angered and yelled back. The result was not one to satisfy, so maybe now, instead of yelling at her/him, I should explain calmly to her/him that I did not cheat on her/him'- and therefore can react better in the situation.In conclusion don't be so serious when you date, realize that this probably isn't 'True love forever!'.

Also realize that when you do break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you can still be good friends, and there should be no awkwardness at all, because you shouldn't have done anything that may be awkward later, such as **sex, and you should both understand that you need to just take what you learned from this relation ship and move on, still being close friends.

*intimate- 1.of or involved in a sexual relationship 2. marked by informality and privacy [Closer than standard friends

**sex- something that brings sexual gratification i.e.- intercourse FROM

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