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because they are muslims and muslims like bombs

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Q: Why you are finding more nuclear families than extended families in your societies?
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According to anthropology the nuclear family is the most common kin group in what kinds of societies?

The nuclear family is most common in industrial and post-industrial societies. These societies tend to prioritize individualism, mobility, and privacy, which align with the structure of a nuclear family consisting of parents and their dependent children living separately from the extended family.

Does Italy have extended or nuclear families?

they are mostly extended families depending on how large the family is.

Are Russian families nuclear or extended?


What is the most common family type in foraging societies?

The most common family type in foraging societies is the nuclear family, consisting of parents and their offspring living together. In some foraging societies, extended families or kinship networks may also be present, providing additional support and resources.

How does it differ from the families of other societies?

Family structures vary across societies in terms of size, composition, roles, and functions. Some societies may prioritize extended families while others may focus on nuclear families. The roles and responsibilities of family members can also differ, influenced by cultural norms and values. Additionally, societal norms regarding marriage, child-rearing, and caregiving can impact family dynamics differently in various societies.

Does Poland have nuclear or extended family?

Yes,they do have extened and nuclear families through out poland.

Are families in Portugal nuclear or extended?

most likely extended family cause in a extended family their are lots of close family members if nuclear it would only be a mother and a father and kids

What are the three types of families found in Jamaica?

nuclear , extended , single - parent , blended , ,foster , adoptive , transnational , mixed race.

Nuclear family and extended family comparison?

A nuclear family is husband, wife and their non-adult children. An extended family is a nuclear family with their more distant relatives, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. Sometimes extended families live together or near each other. Sometimes nuclear families are widely separated from their relatives. Then the extended family still exists but does not interact as closely.

Is Iran made up of extended or nuclear families?

Iran no nuclear! We no have nuclear anything! You obama go jump in lake! Allahu akbar!

What other families is There other than nuclear extended step and foster?

Their arent any

What are the similarities between extended family and nuclear families?

The differences between a nuclear family and a extended family is... an extended family has cousin's and grandparents, and a nuclear family has a mother, a father, and their children. But the similarities are they are all family. Nina, age 10 (I like puppies!)