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This happens quite often. He wants a woman in his life and you're available. He will say he's sorry, but he isn't. If the affair had continued he would still be with her. Be very careful about trusting him. If they cheat once, they will cheat again.

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Q: Why would your husband want you back after his affair broke up with him?
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If she misses her ex husband, then no she doesn't want you back. She misses him, not you.

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If she is trying to get him back, or still wants him.. Then I would believe your husband. If she is absolutely done with him, then believe her. Good Luck!!

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Stand your ground and face your husband calmly about his affair and tell him indeed his affair was important because he broke his marriage vows and broke the one thing that is most important in a marriage .... trust! Tell him he has to earn that trust back and if he doesn't like it or sees fit to seek marriage counseling then kick him out. Perhaps when he realizes that you are not putting up with his past cheating and the affair hurt you and now your bond of trust is no more he may begin to realize what he has done and take you more seriously. He appears to be living in a world of unreality if he thinks you can let his affair go and forget about it.

How can your husband say he loves you and wants you back after he had an affair?

Your husband is obviously regretting what he did. It is your decision though to take him back. If you love him maybe give him a second chance.

My husband had an affair with another woman for 20 years will he cheat again?

He has had the taste of honey and any busy bee goes back for more,. i would say YES

How did the TV series Butterflies end?

Ria ends her 'almost' affair, but also gets angry with her husband and tells him she is going to leave him. After running into her almost affair man again, she changes her mind and goes back home to her husband.

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never!!!!! Because you broke up with him!!!

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Psyche in order to win back Cupid.

How do your husband back?

...How do you GET your husband back? If that's what you're asking, then it depends why you broke up. Try not to be such a b@tch, probably. If that's not the case, and it was HE who was the aggravating factor for your breakup, then why would you want to get back together with him in the first place? If, however, you are asking how to get him back, like how to get back at him, do a Google search. I'm sure there are many people who have asked the same question in the past.

Can you ever trust your unfaithful husband after his affair?

Trust is earned and your husband broke that bond of trust so he is going to have to earn it back. Both of you should seek marriage counseling to get to the root of why your husband thought he should cheat and the counselor can give tools for the couple to work with and strengthen their marriage. A marriage counselor is not there to blame either party, but to get you both to see the weak spots in your marriage and work on them. No, you will probably not trust your husband for cheating for awhile because trust is earned.

What would most wives do if they caught their husband having an affair with another women?

It isn't just a matter of the wife would do learning about the affair, but how hurt the wife would be and how crushed and shocked she is that she put so much trust into her husband. Once a bond of trust has been broken it is difficult to earn it back and sometimes it cannot be earned back. Some wives may give their husband a second chance if he has not cheated before; some won't. Other wives may have the attitude 'You started the cheating so that means I can too!' Other wives may not accept their husbands having an affair at all and go into immediate divorce proceedings. Cheating is low; spineless and the cheater generally pays dearly for that mistake.

Should you tell your husband you cheated even though you broke up after it then got back together?

Are you saying you cheated while broke up? If that is the case i would say NO, dont be in a hurry to tell him, Only if it is really bugging you , then let your conscious be your guide.