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maybe because he's hoping to play both sides of the fence. This guy thinks he's a pretty hot commodity and you need to inflate his balloon! He's your ex and you should be moving on. Don't lose your self respect over the likes of this type of guy!

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because they know you like them and know what you like and feel comfortable around you just ignore it

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Q: Why would your ex-boyfriend still flirt and tease around with you if he has a new girlfriend?
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Why would an ex-girlfriend flirt and be touchy?

Either she still has feelings for you or she wants to be friends.

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Yes, her name is Charlotte. but i dont know if they are still together bcause if im not mistaken he has a new gf already (eunice). Yes, but RR is such a flirt! she knows that jayjay has a girlfriend but she still flirt jayjay! and also jayjay is unfaithful! i like him but when that rumor spread i started hating him and i feel sorry for the girlfriend (eunice)

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Do you still love him?? If so hint around just a little bit. if he still flirts with you and won't stop bugging you then maybe. or if your really striaght forward just ask him.

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just breake up and go out with each other.

What do you do if you still are in-love with you ex-boyfriend but he has a new girlfriend but says he still likes you?

First ask your exboyfriend to tell you if he actually likes his current girlfriend If he says yes, tell him to keep dating her ( never know he might change his mind about her If he says no, then ask himwhy he's dating her and that he shouldn't pretend that he likes her Good luck

Why does your girlfriend flirt with her ex?

The more important question for you is why does he flirt back. It is possible that he absolutely cannot avoid contact with her, but most people would be hard to convince. He has to move on from having contact with her, or YOU have to move on.

How do you get a girl who still has feelings for her exboyfriend?

Just show her waht a nice guy you are