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Because he wants it all. He wants his new girlfriend and do as he pleases (have fun) but doesn't want you too. Could it be love? Possibly. I doubt he's sure where he's at so he wants his cake and eat it too. I think you're pretty smart, so get on with life and leave this guy in the dust! If he cares enough for you he'll come back and if not then you just saved yourself a whole lot of loss and heartbreak in your life. Good luck

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17y ago
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17y ago

Two possibilities that I can think of right off... without knowing him. 1. He thinks it would hurt your feelings to know that he has "moved on". In that case he might be trying to protect you. 2. He thinks that he might be able to get something going again, and the idea multiple girlfriends might just seem like a lot of fun. Pick one.

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16y ago

When said guy is afraid of doing so. Because your opinion matters (i.e. you have a tie to the girl, or you wouldn't approve of the girl).. because they might get a kicking from dating this girl so telling people is a risk. Any which way you look at it, it's going to be because of fear.

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15y ago


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15y ago

first of all, who broke up with who? if you broke up with him he might still be in love with you and make sure that you know that he is still available if he broke up with you, he might have realized that he made a mistake and that he needs you in his life. or, he knows that you aren't over him, so he's trying to avoid any conflict or upset feelings that you might feel. or maybe, he just doesn't have a new girlfriend?

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14y ago

he might think that she would feel bad.. or if there is a short time gap between the two relationships, she might think that he was two-timing her.

he might not be telling her ex because she might have hurt him in the past and he just wants to move on and forget about her..

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12y ago
  • Your ex is a waste of time and he hid because he had no backbone and wanted to see if you said anything to his new girlfriend. Be nice to her no matter how difficult it is to you and tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.
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16y ago

because he does not want to lose you. in another hand he want you to get jealous . and get back to him . am sure what am telling you is true.

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Q: Why would your ex-boyfriend hide from you the fact that he has a new girlfriend?
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Simple: he doesn't want you to know about his girlfriend. I wouldn't trust him, but if you know he's dating someone & you respect his relationship & his girlfriend, you should be all right.

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First ask if you care that he has a new girlfriend. Second, realize that he isn't doing this to hurt, but is probably trying to keep you from possibly anger and jealousy. After you've thought about it, go ahead and ask him! But try to keep it more simple question, no an accusation.

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u don't tell the truth and they will hopefully understand

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