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That is part of the cycle that needs to be broken by you. You don't believe in yourself and have no self confidence or self esteem. You believe you deserve that kind of treatment...but you do not. Please find family and friends to talk to and get the positive reassurance you need right now. Whatever you do, don't go back. It won't get better. God Bless you Sometimes, being abused is habit and dependence forming and responds to deepset emotional needs of the victim.

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Q: Why would you want the abuser back after ending a three year verbally abusive relationship?
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who ever asked this you need help? i can user name is daydayday

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need to give it time. don't fall in love with just any one

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Frequently abusive men do this kind of thing. They prefer to have people under their control and the easiest ways are to live with someone and to be legally bound to them. BUT trying to rush a relationship to marriage is not any kind of proof of an abuser. Some people are just impulsive, impatient or passionately in love and want to get to the happy ending right away. :) Trust your instincts. If they are saying "watch out, be careful, go slow" trust them. :)

Will an abuser give up if he feels he cannot manipulate you?

Not necessarily. In some cases abusers can become desperate in their desire to control a person. Some of these abusers may decide that the ultimate way to control a person is to take that person's life. So, if the person being abused does not end the relationship, and completely cut all ties with the abuser, and possibly take legal action, their life may be in danger. It depends on how much he feels like he "owns" you. If you change your behavior he may just raise his efforts to control you. Unfortunately, that's when many abusive men become physically violent. If it's not working for you, just leave the relationship and have nothing to do with him. If you are ending the relationship, just cut it off and protect yourself from him.

Can you get out in abusive friendship?

Yes, absolutely. It's important to prioritize your well-being and safety. You can seek support from loved ones, a therapist, or a helpline for guidance on how to safely exit the abusive friendship. Setting boundaries, expressing your feelings, and ultimately distancing yourself from the toxic dynamic can be important steps in ending the relationship.

Is your ex-boyfriend a narcissist if he has narcissistic traits but he does say he loves you and says he misses you and pursues you when you are gone?

He's playing you like a fine fiddle. Narcissistic people are ego-maniacs, controllers and can be verbally abusive (even physically abusive at times.) They love to feel in control so "game playing" is high on their list and that's exactly what this guy is doing to you. A person that loves you does not treat you in this manner. Tell him to get lost! Get on your own two feet and become independent and think of the signs of this narcissistic ex-boyfriend and learn from your mistakes. There is never a happy ending in a narcissistic relationship.

What effect does substance abuse have on relationships?

Substance abuse whether it is drugs or alcohol can divide a family by making life in that family miserable for those that have to put up with the substance abuser. Drugs come first with the abuser and they will steal, cheat and lie to get any money they can from their wife, children or relatives. Individuals that are addicted to drugs or alcohol can also commit crimes in some cases to get the money for what they want (this generally happens more with drugs than alcohol.) People on drugs do have brain cell damage eventually and they have no reasoning or no recall of what they are doing to the victim or victims of abuse. Alcoholics can be easy going in their general nature or very physically and verbally abusive if their character was of a miserable nature and it's just intensified by the alcohol. The relationship often ends in a break up or, in some cases the victims of that abuse are too afraid to take action and will put up with the abuse for years. Unfortunately, for those that decide to stay with an extremely physical abuser the end result often ends up to ending the lives of the victim or whole family (victim and children of the abuse.)

My emotionally abusive bf walked away from our relationship and acts as if he can move on but I am not dealing so well with the ending of the relationship why?

Get and read the book WOMEN WHO LOVE PSYCHOPATHS Don't be put off by the title - it will help you understand. Take this as a sign that this man isn't right for you in the first place hence "Emotionally abusive.. You would want him to walk away. Rather than torture you into staying in a emotionally ill relationship, You get to move on with your life.. Everything happens for a reason take this as a lesson about relationships. You need to see a therapist to talk about your relationship. I'm actually seeing one for a previous relationship that was unhealthy..

What is a fear of relationsHip?

The fear of relationship is the fact that it does not end. Ending a relationship is the only thing that scares.

Top reason why victims stay in abusive relationships?

I think it is because the person that has abused them has convinced them that they are alone and hated by everyone else so they feel they have no where to go. I think it is important for people to understand that most abusive relationships don't start that way. Abusers are usually on their best behavoir in the beginning of a relationship. Not many people would put up with them if they started with physical or emotional abuse on day 1. Abuse usually starts very very slowly and with small episodes only to escalate later on. And even when they abuse has escalated to violence, the abuser probably vascillates between violence and being on best behavoir again--promising never to do it again. The victim is stuck in a never ending cycle remembering the good times and hoping for the day the good times will be the status quo. It is hard to break from this cycle for many reasons, I would think one of the first reasons would be that considering the hell that must be to live, a person's confidence, self esteem personality etc are continuosly undermined. They may not trust their own perceptions anymore making it hard for them to have the strength to leave. Also, the abuser may have isolated the victim from the friends and family they will need to get away from the abuser. A good support system is crucial to this process I would think. The victim may be petrified to leave--the abuser may be very physically violent and the courts do not have enough in place to protect the victims--also what if the abuser is a leader in the community--a police officer--a judge etc..that would even make it harder. The victim may be financially entangled with the abuser. Relationships with shared finances are hard enough to leave without the further strss of an abusive situation. Finally, perhaps the victim and the abuser have children, or if not they share friends or work together. The victim may feel the kids were better off not coming from a "broken" home or the victim may not want to jeopardize his/her friendships or job.

What are three sentences for the word ending?

I was not expecting the ending of that film.The ending of the book was a bit cliché.I am ending your reign of terror.

Does Scott Kazmir have a girlfriend?

He is single, after just ending a relationship.