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AnswerThe way I see it, the woman has to be either very young or inexperience in love affairs. But she will learn as time goes by. AnswerWomen are a strange lot for sure (and I'm one of them! LOL). Most women love their independence, but there are some women that want the security of marriage. Some women are born romantics and don't always realize that love changes to more mature levels once married, having children, retiring, etc. Love is also gauged at different levels, so she may well love you a great deal and you aren't quite sure of your feelings for her yet.

I agree with you that she is rushing into marriage too quickly. You are correct in waiting.

It is so important to talk to her and express how you feel about her, but you want to get to know each other better because marriage is a lifelong commitment. She will either have to agree with this or move on.

Stick to you guns. She is a little confused at this point. Be kind to her, talk a lot, have fun and be sure you aren't the one that is afraid of commitment. If you find you don't want to get married for the next 5 - 10 years, let her in on your secret.

AnswerIf you are smart you will get out of the relationship with her. NO NORMAL person would ever want to do that or behave like that. She's being manipulative, impulsive, possibly looking for security with you, has problems, possible mental problems, etc...

LISTEN TO YOUR GUTS! SHE'S NOT IN any condition to know what a relationship is, let alone a marriage.

AnswerBecause she isn't stable. Simple as that. Trust me. A few weeks is much, much too short. The minimum should be maybe half a year. AnswerShe is weird! Maybe she's looking for somebody to take care of her. She has serious issues.
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There could be several reasons for this. It could be that the woman is seeking stability, companionship, or a sense of security. She may have strong feelings towards her partner and hopes that marriage will solidify their relationship. Feeling rejected when her partner wants to take it slower could stem from her fear of losing the connection she feels or concerns about the longevity of their relationship. Communication and understanding are crucial to navigate this situation.

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Q: Why would a woman want to marry after only a few weeks and feel rejected when her partner wants to take it slower?
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