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Its not right to do so , but I know it happens being my ex's mother slept with he brother in law from her second marriage and destroyed a family temp. and 5 years later they remarried and have a very healthy relationship since she is out of their lives!

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Because he can. OR - Simply because he feels like it.

Narcissists are pathological. They have no remorse, no feelings, no empathy and NO BOUNDARIES.

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Q: Why would a narcissist cheat with his best friends wife?
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okay, if you mean that if you ever were to cheat on your girlfriend and they were best friends, the people you are cheating on, that would be totally wrong. they would tell each other and they would find out and your face would be completely messed up, no hair, and you would never be able to have kids. trust me. i know someone that's does that before. they moved to Canada. no joke. Hearts P.S. listen to me!!!! don't cheat with best friends

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They are just good friends. Nothing more than that. The US would never cheat on the UK with their best friend.

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Yes he would, but take a peice out of him and he'll take a chunk out of you, best thing to do to a narcissist is to ignore him, that will affect him more than anything.

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There is no such thing as a 'compensatory narcissist'. It is a fake term made up by psychopath Sam Vaknin (see Related Links). No Contact with a Narcissist is always best.

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If he was a narcissist, then nothing you did could ever be a good as he knew he "deserved." So he looked elsewhere, which he'll probably keep doing for the rest of his life, no matter how well the woman he's with treats him.He wanted something other than what he got from you. I think it's the same answer regardless of his psychiatric diagnosis, if any. It would be harder to please a narcissist than the average person. The person trying to please a narcissist wouldn't get empathy back, among other things, so it might be for the best to have a narcissist leave you. But I don't think the trigger for that happening is much different than any other relationship.

Can you change a narcassist?

A narcissist would not want help because he or she would not think there was anything wrong. Therefore, you can't help a narcissist; even when a narcissist is court ordered into therapy, there is little a professional can do to help a person change this personality type.

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I don't think there's a best cheat. Just pick one cheat you need help with. This is the same thing I would do too.

How would you say best friends in German?

"best friends" means "beste Freunde"

It is best to ignored a narcissist?

Yes it is......... I know from experience

How can you hurt your boyfriend?

Date his best friend, pretend to like him then dump him, date him again then cheat on him, steal all his friends >:)

Would a narcissist care that he hurt you after he broke your engagement?

that would be my guess if they where such a jerk in the first place.If they where that rude and unfeeling it's probably for the best your split up.