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It is called being mature, adult and well mannered.

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Q: Why would a husband keep talking to an xwife when their children are grown?
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How do you tell your grown children of your husband's previous marriage and children?

The children should have been told long ago that their father was married before and had children so that would make then step brothers or step sisters to your children. Your grown children may be angry you waited so long to tell them, but it is important that they know as your husband's other children are still related to the children you have and eventually they will find out so it is better that you and your husband sit down with your grown children and tell them the truth and why he left his first wife.

If you marry your aunt's husband's brother and had children what relationship would your children be to your aunt's children?

They would be first cousins.

What was Jacqueline kennedy's fear?

That her children would be killed, like her husband and her husband's brother.

What if the husband in has Type a plus blood and the wife has O plus Blood what would the children have?

The children could have either blood type A positive or O positive. Each parent passes on one blood type allele to their child, so the child could inherit the allele for either A or O from the father, and the O allele from the mother, resulting in blood types A or O. The positive Rh factor is dominant, so the child would also have a positive blood type.

If a mother has grown kids and she gets married to a man whose not their real father is he consider their father in law?

No. Your father-in-law is the father of your spouse. The mother's husband would be the step-father of her children. Their ages are irrelevant.

A woman with type O blood has children with her husband who is type AB. What percent of their children would you expect to have type O blood A woman with type O blood has children with her husband who?

All of their children would have type O blood, as the mother can only pass on an O blood type allele and the father can only pass on A or B blood type alleles. Since the mother is OO and the father is either AA or AB, their children would inherit one O allele from the mother and one A or B allele from the father, resulting in type O blood for all offspring.

If you marry into a family how does your husband get joint custody?

Your husband cannot get joint custody of your children from a prior marriage. Custody arrangements are made between parents of children. Your present husband can legally adopt your children with their father's consent. He would then have all the legal rights and obligations of a biological father. The children would become his legal heirs-at-law.

What is the plural of grown-up?

There is no specific collective noun for 'grown-ups'. Grown-ups is another word for people, the collective noun would be whatever is appropriate for the context of the grown-ups that you're talking about. For example, a council of grown-ups, a team of grown, a crew of grown-ups, a party of grown-ups, a mob of grown-ups, etc.

What if your husband has four children away from your marriage?

Your husband should be paying child support for his children unless the mother of the children has remarried and her new husband adopts the children. It would be wise that he gets each child DNA tested to even be sure they are his children. If your husband did not let you know before you married him that he had four children then it's an injustice to you, but the two of you have to learn to communicate and decide on what the right recourse is to resolve this problem.

If I have sole legal custody of my children in the state of Illinois if I died would my husband get customdy of my minor children or would their legal father?

Their biological father.

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If you are talking about plants, then no, it would not grow in the dark. It would need sunlight. Most plants grown in the dark.

Can you marry your sisters husband if they are divorced?

Yes but it would be very confusing if there were children involved