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Maybe he decided that the relationship is not exactly what he wants. If he's shallow, he may just want to move on to the next "conquest", figuring that he got all that he wants out of the relationship and is ready for a new challange. Maybe he found out that you aren't exactly what he feels comfortable with. In reality, there is no way to know what he is thinking. You can ask, but that may not even be reality. It can be anywhere from one extreme to the other, from him being a jerk to the entire problem being you and he thinks you're shallow. It's impossible to generalize.

Answerawww, sorry about your loss. NOT!! It was his loss hon. Some guys don't see the inner beauty of some girls. he could have just not seen you as his type, he could have wanted true love and maybe he didn't see you quite fit to that, maybe he just wanted sex, or maybe he is just a player and likes quick and shady relationships. Unless you are really mean, or don't have much of a personality BUT sometimes guys only look @ appearance and maybe you didnt fit his standards. But if you really like him, maybe even love (I do believe in true love and love @ 1st sight...for me it was love the first time we kissed each other *sigh*) so yeah if he means alot to you, then do whatever you can to get him back...if you don't you will most likely regret it. answerSimply put...two weeks is hardly enough time to be going together, let alone to be breaking up! It doesn't mean he didn't like you as a person - he simply didn't feel the same chemistry you felt, or thought you felt. It must work both ways, so don't make the mistake of creating a fantasy in your mind about what you WANT this man to feel for you. Spend less time appreciating his good looks and how much you want his physical closeness, and more time observing his behavior with you. If you have already been sexually intimate with this person, you take the risk and the responsibility that goes with not waiting to see if a relationship will develop the way you want it to. But if you were only seeing each other socially with the hopes of something more and he simply lost interest, then your heart was never broken, and your ego will survive. Unless there is a lot more to your question than meets the eye, romance is like any other social encounter. Some last and some don't. Don't spend too much time trying to figure out why...just move on until you meet a nice guy! :-)
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Q: Why would a guy break up with you after only two weeks?
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you just have to go with it, and it will eventually show through........and in about 3 weeks in you still cant tell. Break up with the guy and move on with your life!!!!

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um. i would say 2 Weeks if the relationship was a reek ..but if you guys loved each other and something went wrong i say 2 months :) hope i helped!