Some people are just immature and do not know how to break up in an adult way and remain friends. Go find someone who's more mature and can value you for who you are!
For heaven's sake! Why would you want to be with someone who obviously doesn't want to be with you? Dumped is dumped. Crawling after and hoping to be picked back up is degrading. Find a different girl.
By text !
No, a better way to reword that sentence would be to say: It is barbaric and cruel to intentionally cause excruciating pain to animals.
It's not that he was cruel to Echo, he was just so self absorbed that she didn't matter to him. He would have (and did) treat any other woman the same way.
treated badly or in a cruel way
A romantic way to ask a girl out on her birthday would be to take her flowers and ask her in person.
ya dumped
hes not worth your time a guy like that is always going to be that way. Hes always going to want more than one girlfriend at a time ebcause he knows he can get away with it. and the only way you will know if he dumped her is by asking her.
for them to accept me the way i am
The same way you would if she didn't.
Nothing - let her go and move on. She obviously is not ready for relationship or is just playing games with you - its not worth it. Don't allow her to treat you this way - you deserve better.
well, he's ether a jerk or very confused about his feelings, ether way don't get into him or his dating life if you can help it.