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You haven't really explained the situation between the two of you. If he just comes around to hop into bed with you with greased lips of "I love you" and never treats you like he cares then get rid of him! He's a user! Either that or sit down and tell HIM what is bothering you and let him know you aren't sitting around while he just comes around and does nothing or doesn't take you anywhere. If you give respect, then expect it back! You are in control of your own life. Expect the best! If he doesn't deliver then move on. Good luck Marcy

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19y ago
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13y ago

there may be many reasons. but no one knows but him. it could be as simple as he is not ready to say it or it might be as complexe as he loves someone else. id suggest you give him alittle time to think it over and soon he might possibly tell you the truth instead of not being ready. but inside i bet he does love you and he just isn't ready yet.

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12y ago

This could mean many things. One possibility is he doesn't love you, and may even be using you. Another could be he does, but just doesn't want to take the next step in the relationship just yet. He could just be very nervous. Try and read his body language to see what is going on.

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16y ago

Either he doesn't love you back, or he doesn't want the additional implications and pressures which will ensue with the exchange of "I love yous."

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16y ago

He may not want to scare you away. If you have already told him how you feel then he is probably just waiting for the right moment to say those three words back to you.

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