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Ok. You need to evaulate that. Is a relationship worth jepordising ya'll's friendship?

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13y ago

Probably because he/she feels comfortable with the way you guys relationship is right now .

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Q: Why won't my best friend go out with me?
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Well,you should always tell your friend that the guy likes you and not her but do it easily and nicely because if she hears from him that he told you the reason why he wont go out with her then she is going to be mad at you for not telling her when you knew and I think that as long as you two keep contact that you two should go out as long as your friend is okay with it and she wont feel jealous or left out.

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well find a way to not hurt your best friend but get the boy to like you or tell your friend you like him and see if she cares

Why wont your friend stop talking?

Cuz they know they have a good friend to talk to and u r one of there best friends .

What should you do if you and your best friend like the same boy?

Then Tell Your Friend That You Like Him First If She Says She Liked Him First Then Tell Her To BACK OF! Or You Wont Be Her Friend.

What does it mean if your best friend and a guy friend have a conversation and wont tell you about it when it is about you?

that means that they love each other and dont want to tell you

What if a girl fell in love with a boy that happens to be your best friend?

Dont worry, nothing will happen don't be silly. Yes you wont see your best friend as much. But they wont last they will split up and you will be besties again don't worry xx

If you really like your best friend and he knows it how can you tell he likes you because its hard to tell when hes your best friend?

If he's ur best friend, he will understand when you ask him: "Do you like me., not as a friend, but possilby more? be honest" if he's such a good friend then he wont lie and tell u the truth.

You like someone but their best friend likes you so she wont go out with you what do you do?

If you just play it cool, and dont stess . The best way is to just be cool, and be yourself. Trust me i am a girl, and the best thing i love is when a guy just acts normal. And if you pay attention to her friend then she'll think your kind, and caring.