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I can only speak to the society of the US. The 'chauvinism' for women's causes are based on the historical marginalizing of women in society throughout the history of the US. Prior to the twentieth century, there were many women of accomplishment but the average woman was limited, regardless of their skills, to low paying 'women's work'. Only in war time, were women hired for well paying jobs in industry, and had to relinquish those jobs when the men returned to the workforce. Women did not have the right to vote in the US until 1920. That's an extremely brief and oversimplified overview of the history.

At the time of the Civil Rights Movement in the US that began in the 1960s, women were also taking issue with the disparity in hiring practices and wages for women, as well as for black Americans. This situation was still ongoing when I entered the workforce. Standard jobs were for men or 'girls'. It was unheard of for a female to be hired for construction work, mail carrier, power lineman, or even telephone installer; all kinds of 'men's' work' that paid a higher wage. The wages paid to women became a barometer of how much success was being made for overall in gaining equality for women in society. It was in the 1970s that I was chatting with my brother's boss, the owner of a Plumbing company. He said (actual quote), 'I would never hire a woman'.

It has taken a long time and a lot has changed. You now see women in those traditional 'men's' jobs', for the most part, receiving the same wages as the men in those job. However, the disparity is still there. It's not as sharply pronounced as it was, but it still exists. A large portion of the remaining disparity is that single parent families with children are overwhelmingly headed by women. Women who must work while raising children alone and trying to hold jobs. These jobs are often part time or low wage. I was also one of those women, so I know first hand the difference in what I was paid and what the men in the same companies were paid.

There were many other social issues that had to be overcome throughout this period besides hiring and pay. In family and legal issues, men most often prevailed; the military limited opportunities for women; executive level positions and government appointments were rarely open to women; educational opportunities at prestigious schools and scientific, engineering, and architectural opportunities were rare for women. The list is very long. There are some areas in our society today that the scale has tipped in the opposite direction and men cannot prevail; particularly in regard to issues of family and children. This can be a reason for someone to view our society as chauvinistic, but there are efforts to overcome those issues also.

Looking at the surface of US society today, especially as portrayed in the media, the painful undercurrent of the remaining disparity is not obvious, but it still exists. According to the US Women's Bureau and the National Committee on Pay Equity, as of 2003 (for year-round, full-time work), women still earn only $75.5 for every $100 earned by men.

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