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Q: Why was marriage so important for women in the 18th century?
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What was the marriage age of girls in the 18th century?

23 for women and 26 for men

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Stays were staples for women in the 18th century. It was a garment that was designed to reshape the female torso into a straight line. For the women in the 18th century shape was more important than comfort.

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Cicisbeo were the male escorts of married women in 18th century Italy.

At what age did women get married in the 18th century?

The average age to be married (in 18th century lower-class Virginia) was 23 for women, 26 for men. (It was even higher in England; the marriage age in the Americas decreased the more land there was available-- for instance, on the frontier. The upper classes often married younger as well.)

When did hats become popular for women?

18th Century

Why were there no women in the hulks in the 18th century?

The Reason for that wasbecause women didn't do many crimes

The escort or lover of an Italian 18th century married women?


Why were wigs worn in the 18th century?

Wigs were an outward manifestation of social status. Wigmakers held important positions in society. Elaborate powdered wigs were the fashion in the 18th century. By the end of the century, however, many young men and women were powdering their own hair instead of buying wigs.

What was marriage like during the late 17th century and early 18th century?

marriages in those days were arranged by the parents. mainly young women didn't like this, they wanted to pick their own husbands, which lend to conflict within the families.

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Role of women in the 18Th century?

their role was to cook, clean, wash, please their husbands.